The Challenges of Landscape Design: Creative Solutions for a Unique Garden

Landscape design can be tricky business with many challenges to consider. Learn about creative solutions for sloped terrain, narrow lots, limited space & poor drainage.

The Challenges of Landscape Design: Creative Solutions for a Unique Garden

Landscape design can be a tricky business, with many challenges to consider including which kind of fence from dolphin fence corp would go best with your design. Sloped terrain, narrow lots, limited space, and poor drainage are just a few of the issues that can have an impact on the design, arrangement, and selection of plants for your garden. Your goals for your landscape can also pose design issues that require creative solutions. The native flora of each place is the result of thousands of years of evolution on planet Earth, in response to topography, climate, humidity, seasonality and many other natural aspects.

Unfortunately, many landscape projects overlook the natural environment and the original species of each biome, instead opting for the convenience of buying the species available on the market without considering the impact this can have. This often results in projects that lack cohesion with the local natural landscape. Gardens are often disconnected from native flora, combining plants from the most diverse biomes, climates and regions of the planet. This is especially true in “tropical gardens” that use invasive species from other regions with similar characteristics. Aesthetics should not take precedence over biological requirements and definitions. The wrong site and soil for plants are another common mistake in landscaping.

When buying landscape plants, read the plant labels and ask garden center workers about the plant's needs. Plants that need full sun and well-draining soil can atrophy, fail to flower, and eventually die in wet, shady landscapes. Similarly, plants that need shade and love moisture will need to be constantly watered and burned if placed in a sunny, dry place. When gardening around trees, create natural-looking flowerbeds that also match the style of the rest of the landscape; don't settle for quick, easy and boring rings around the trees. According to Ricardo Cardim in his book Sustainable Landscaping for Brazil, “typical landscaping in contemporary Brazil generally lacks significant environmental and functional concerns”.Low-budget companies don't invest as much in garden design software either, so landscapers are turning to these solutions to offer customers more quality in designs, budgets and services.

As young homeowners continue to drive new demand for landscape design and maintenance, landscape companies must find a way to meet demand. Whether you like rustic, modern, or unique landscape styles, a properly designed landscape will display your style with unity.

Donna Siaperas
Donna Siaperas

Infuriatingly humble sushi trailblazer. General sushi maven. Devoted bacon advocate. Evil zombie buff. Amateur internet scholar. Hardcore pop culture aficionado.