When it comes to landscaping, the first rule is to create unity through repetition and consistency. This means that you should use similar elements and shapes in your design, and repeat them throughout the landscape. This will give your design a cohesive look and feel, and make it easier to maintain. It's important to avoid designing beds with sharp curves and angles, as this can be difficult to maintain. Instead, opt for circles or curves, as they are much easier to cut and usually look better than square or sharp angles.
Additionally, it's important to not overuse an element, as this can make your design look boring and monotonous. Unity is a basic principle of landscaping that is achieved by repeating similar elements and shapes, as well as bringing together different elements of a landscape to create a common theme. Repetition is used to achieve unity in design by repeating similar elements that include plants and decoration in the landscape. Consistency is used to create unity by bringing together different elements of a landscape to create a common unity or theme. By following these principles of landscaping, you can create a beautiful outdoor space that is easy to maintain and looks great for years to come.